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tv   News 4 Today  NBC  August 5, 2009 5:00am-7:00am EDT

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hours. a health club shooting. a man opens fire inside a health club. four people are dead. dog attack. a rottweiler attacks a woman and her dog and the rottweiler is still on the loose. good morning, everyone. welcome. we are very happy you are with us today. i'm barbara harrison. >> i'm keith garvin in for joe krebs. here's a live look outside washington, d.c. >> it looks beautiful out there. we'll talk to tom to see if we'll have post card weather for july. >> we have a chance for afternoon thundershowers and it is humid this morning. e h aad e aofad sh inngn oup showing radar. no precipitation around the region. 74 in washington. the eastern shore themi 7 d-0. ts he mountains.umid, but you ,id but you can he tud c the clouds on the incr with thelo blips of i southern sthern
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west virgini waou snerit west virgini er thundowowers. no thundheow e showers could be movin o tr bmeeaartoy metro area by early rnteafoon. then maybe some passing thundershowers by tintotehis e. evs g.ouin about a 60% chance. otheisose,60 m ay m cloudy day with highsea rching the upper 80s. the sunrise would be at 6:13 and the sunset at 8:15. we could have continuing pasng showers through the evening. then by this time tomorrow morning, perhaps lingering showers south and east of washington as we start off thursday. details on that coming up with the thursday forecast at 5:121, 5:11. for details on the roadways, we go to jerry edwards. >> hey, good morning. so far so good. head on out and check things at the woodrow wilson bridge, both the inner and outer loops appear to be moving well. through the southeast, no issues. 66 is quiet. headed for downtown, 395 to the
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14th street bridge, so far so good. the lanes are open. back to you. free at last. in just a matter of hours, two journalists freed from captivity in north korea will be back on american soil. >> they are flying to los angeles as we speak on a jet with former president bill clinton. he made a surprise visit to pyongyang to secure their release. brooke hart is live with more. >> reporter: good morning. it turns out the two journalists played a key role in their own release. sources say what they learned in custody led to a direct phone call and request from al gore to bill clinton who today is personally escorting the women home. these were the first pictures in months of journalists lauraling in green and euna lee in pink. free at last. the two boarded a private jet in north korea with former president bill clinton bound for california and the family reunion of their lives. >> i'm all excited and i'm looking forward to seeing her.
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we have been waiting for five months now. >> reporter: her family just a glimpse of their excitement. >> i can just see her smiling. that's good enough for me. >> reporter: they knew more good news was coming when president clinton went to north korea. the meeting was marked by the women themselves who learned that north korea wanted the former president as a special envoy. lee andling relieved that to family and then to al gore, the former vice president. the obama white house was able to keep distant until the end. >> the focus is on ensuring the safety ofwo journalists that are in north korea right w. >> reporter: the meeting opens up new interaction with north korea on the heels of nuclear weapons' tests. north korea's leader did get attention he long sought. >> it allowed him to solidify
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himself nationally and the visit by president clinton. >> reporter: the two women were sentenced to 12 years hard labor for crossing into north korea while working on a story of human trafficking. u.s. officials deny north korean reports that former president clinton apogized for lee andling. also, new trusts were built between the countries. live on capitol hill, i'm brooke hart. back to you. and now to a developing story we are following out of pennsylvania. at least four people are dead after a gunman walked into a health club near pittsburgh and opened fire. it happened last night at the l.a. fitness center in bridgeville. police say a man entered into the back of an exercise class, pulled out two guns and started spraying bullets leaving four people dead, including himself. >> i was standg right by the freeway, straight by the
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aerobics room, and i kept hearing shots. about 30 shots. i just kept seeing people run from the room and i was ducking down for my life. >> ten others were injured. police have not discussed the motive in the shooting. i-295 is back open after a man was hit by a car in landover at 9:00 last night. the pedestrian was trying to cross the northbound lanes of the vw parkway near route 450 when a car slammed into him and killed the man. police have not leased the identity of the man. police are warning people about a loose dog that's attacked one person and their pet. the rottweiler attacked in the fredericksburg area friday night near the mall was walking with her 67-year-old owner. she was bitten numerous times and suffered a broken shione and finger. her black labrador was so badly injured it had to be euthanized.
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>> hopefully it is a stray dog that wandered into the development because i would hate to think somebody in the community uld haveit an animal attacking somebody walking. >> investigators say the rottweiler has a black and tan coat similar to this one seen on a flyer being district distributed in the neighborhood. authorities are saying anyone who sees the dog should call 911 right away. light rail is on track to become the newest addition to the rail system. the highly anticipated purple line would run to new carolton. the 16-mile track would stop at 21 proposed stations. passengers could transfer from normal tracks to the purple line. opponents of the purple line plan would prefer a bus transit system for environmental reasons arguing light rail would ruin the capitol crescent trail.
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governor o'malley says he wants to ease traffic in prince george's county. >> it was the product of a consensus that we built through disagreement we built a consensus through a public hearing process for this option. the purple line option that we are proposing will be sleek, it will be quiet, it will be low to the ground. this is not your grandfather's light rail. >> o'malley also announced the plan to create a 14-mile red line through baltimore. if the purple line gets the proper approvals and funding, construction could begin in 2014 with service starting in 2018. senators call the summer's deadly metro crash a wake-up call. a hearing on capitol hill is where congress was asked for additional fund to help maintain the ageing infrastructure. the nation's seven largest transit agencies including metro have a $50 billion backlog.
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our time right now is seven minutes after 5:00, 74 degrees is the temperature. coming up, will the popular cash for clunkers program be extended and when? plus, we'll show you how cock-a-doodle-do. i do 22 more inspections than the government requires. and my fresh, all-natural chickens are never given any hormones or steroids. and no candy, gladys. (announcer) perdue. extra inspections.
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come individually wrapped and they're perfectly sized to cook quickly and evenly in only 10 minutes. (announcer) perdue perfect portions. de>s offerarin i'sg s offering s wevysdernelleday a summer lo >> aul
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beef free witregul efere with a regular soft drink purchase. >> you get the sandwich if you buy the drink? >> usually it is the other way around. okay. we'll talk about the weather. what kind of a day is it going to be, tom? do we have rain in the forecast? >> we could get showers this afternoon, but nothing falling out of the sky now. we have increasing clouds at 74 in washington from capitol hill to green belt and ctreville. aspen hill is humid as well in the mid-70s around the region into the eastern shore into the mountains in the 60s. a few showers in eastern kentucky. those could make their way our way after the cold front passes through. we have a chance for a passing thundershower. otherwise, warm and humid with highs in the upper 80s am 40% chance for a shower this afternoon. could have a shower this time tomorrow morning and especially south and east of washington
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during the day tomorrow. otherwise, partly sunny and lower humidity moving in as the day progresses on thursday. highs tomorrow, mid-80s. a look at friday and the weekend in ten minutes. jerry, how is traffic? good morning, everyone. we'll head out to the american legion bridge. the outer loop of the beltway, the work on the outer loop has been wrapped up from the 270 spur down to tyson's corner. lanes are open. elsewhere, headed into the northeast, very quiet along new york avenue, rhode island avenue, nothing to worry about. all the bridges are doing fine so far. barbara and keith, back to you. our time now is 12 minutes after 5:00. the temperature is 74 degrees. still ahead, a miraculous kidney swap as at two washington hospitals. plus, why a judge could put a stop to t
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secretary of state hillary rodham clinton israing the release of two journalists less than a day after her husband arrived in knot korea. the release followed a rare meeting between kim jong-il and former president bill clinton. kim pardoned the women now on their way home. police in suburban pittsburgh say four people are dead and several others injured
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after a shooting rampage in a health club. the man walked in, said nothing and pulled out two guns and started shooting. the gunman is among the dead. i-295 is open after a man was hit with a car in landover. it happened at 9:00 last night. a pedestrian was trying to cross the northbound lanes of the vw parkway near route 450. that's when a car slammed into him and killed the man. they say the driver stayed at the scene. it is an amazing story that is changing many lives. doctors here in the washington area performed a 14-way kidney swap to help patients in need of a transplant. >> today some of the patients involved in the swap will meet for the first time. megan mcgrath is joining us with the details. >> hi, megan. >> reporter: good morning. it is the largest kidney swap of its kind. 14 people were involved. patients from georgetown university hospital as well as the washington hospital center. seven people donated kidneys. seven people received the
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kidneys. they created an organ pool of sorts to increase the chances of finding a match. later today all 14 willth gather one place. some will meet each other for the very first time. others did get a chance to meet before the surgery took place. now, it is a chance for even those who have met one another to say thank you for the donor giving the kidney. it is certainly something to change their lives. nbc 5 talked to several of the recipients who said living with kidney disease has been very difficult and they expect this will transform their lives. >> i do not want to live like this. i want to die. >> very draining. it is no kind of life that i want to wish on anyone. >> reporter: now, why would someone give a kidney to a complete stranger? that's what happened in some of the cases. in two of the cas there was no connection between the donor and the person who received the kidney, they just did it out of the kindness of their heart.
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in other cases the donor actually has a loved one suffering from kidney disease. their hope is by joining the pool by donating an organ themselves they would increase the chance of their loved one receiving a kidney. it was a special technique used here. all the recipients are african-americans and it is very difficult to find a donor that ultimately works because african-americans build up antibodies in their bloodstream to cause the organs to be rejected, so a new technique was used where the antibodies are filtered out of the blood plasma. there's a lot of hope that the organ transplants will be successful and this sort of procedure will help other people in the future. more on that next hour. thank you, megan. the senate has decided to pump more cash into the wildly popular cash for clunkers program. the program allows car buyers to trade in currentars and get up to $4500 to a more fuel-efficient vehicle. some senators oppose the $2
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billion extension needed to keep the program alive, but senate majority leader harry reid announced he is confident it will pass. >> cash for clunkers, we'll pass cash for clunkers. >> when will you do that? >> before we leave here. >> what are we going to do when the $2 billion runs snout are we going to spend another $5 billion? are we in the car business at the retail level forever? >> mitch mcconnell says his party won't block a vote and the matter will be completed. happening today, president obama is headed to indiana where he'll announce a manufacturing grant to talk about his efforts to get the economy back on track. elkhart's unemployment rose to the highest level in the nation. this will be mr. obama's third visit to the area. president obama celebrated his 40th birthday yesterday. he celebrated with this
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impressive cake there including the presidential seal, but he also had a trick up his sleeve. he surprised helen thomas who turned 89 and shares a birthday with him. she was serenaded with happy birthday. >> it is hard to believe she is 89. >> she's been around for a long time and still doing a good job. >> she is doing all the things she was doing 50 years ago. >> the first president she covered has been j.f.k. >> happy birthday to both of them. in sports there are injury concerns at redskins training camp. >> and the nationals win again. here's lindsay czarniak. hello, there. good morning. your sports minute begins at red skins training camp. right tackle stephon hire
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suffered a knee injury yesterday, but his mri news is encouraging. good news out to the the park. albert hansworth was back at practice after a sore knee. he had an injection in the knee and is feeling a lot more comfortable. the redskins go back to work this morning. the nationals hosting the marlins. adam dunn capped a six-run-inning after a home run to left. the nationals beat the marlins, 6-4. baltimore's brian maddox made his debut last night and maddox allowed one run in five innings of work. the orioles win it, 8-2. also, the wizards released their schedule. they open the season on the road in dallas october 27th. that's your sports minute. i'm lindsay czarniak. have a great day. almost football time. >> i can't believe it. we are moving up on 5:21.
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>> time for weather and traffic on the 1s. we'll go to tom keirein. >> how would you like to wear a helmet and pads out in the humidity? it will be a little bit more comfortable today because of the increasing clouds we have this morning. it iin the mid-70s in washington. near 70 in prince george's county. mid-70s in fairfax and arlington. in the low 70s in montgomery county. points west, we are in the 60s. around the bay, the weather watchers are reporting temperatures near 70. the current dew points are in the upper 60s and the low to mid-60s north and west. not too uncomfortable this morning. on the latest view from space and radar combined, we are seeing showers move into eastern kentky and northwestern pennsylvania. that's associated with a cd front that will sweep through this afternoon and likely trigger some passing thundershowers and into this evening and lingering into tomorrow morning. then we have a small chance south and east of washington of
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a passing shower tomorrow, otherwise, cooler on thursday and friday. then the heat and humidity build in on saturday and we'll be into the upper 90s sunday, monday and into tuesday. jerry, good morning. somehow the traffic? good morning, everyone. 270 out of frederick and south near hyattstown, no worries. all the overnight road work is picked up. all the construction barrels on the shoulder. we'll check speeds from the west. interstate 66 near gainesville and centreville, ten minutes. from 29 centreville to the beltway, 13 minutes. 16 minutes from the beltway to the roosevelt bridge. barbara and keith, back to you. it is now 5:22, 74 degrees outside. coming up, the latest developing story. a shooting ram page at a health club near pittsburgh. plus n entertainment news, changes are coming to "american idol." and here is your liz on the money, money saving tip of the
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day. >> what are your options if you are mind on your mortgage? "money" magazine says go to to see if you are able to refinance. also, contact your lender if you are struggling to make payments. and if you must, consider a short sale where the lender lets you sell your house for less than you owe. i'm liz crenshaw on the money.y (announcer) you think bleach gets your toilet perfectly clean?
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fact. bleach doesn't get rid of stains. it just whitens them. with this stain revealing dye you can see the stains bleach leaves behind. lysol power toilet bowl cleaner removes than bleacher while killing 99.9% of germs. to give you a toilet thats completely clean. numr e pediatrician recommended brand. lysol. disinfect to protect. look for money saving coupons for lysol products. this newspaper. only in
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paula abdul is calling it quits. she is not returning to "american idol" for another season. abdul has sat as a judge since the singing contest began eight seasons ago. in july the singer said she was invited to stay with idol as long as the show lasted. she is part of an original panel including simon cowell and randy jackson. kara diaguardi will return. a los angeles probate judge may approve a deal allowing aeg to use preparations from michael jackson's comeback concert
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preparations on dvd. the temperature right now is 74 degrees. coming up next half hour of "news4 today," a reaction from the family of the two american journalists released from a north korean jail just hours ago. and a developing story near pittsburgh as people worked out as a health club. a gunman walfihaha'll l heveve s . we'lhave the lates
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head ed home. two american journalists will be back home after bill clinton went to north korea to free the pair. money for funerals in fredericksburg, virginia, may have been used for something else. and the postal service talks money later today and how to approve the bottom line. good morning, everyone. welcome to "news4 today." i'm barbara harrison. it is wednesday, august 5th, 2009. >> i'm keith garvin in for joe krebs. we want to give you a live look outside. beautiful skies as the sun begins its approach. looking at washington there, expected to have a fairly decent day. >> let's talk to meteorologist tom keirein who can tell us what
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to expect today. hi, barbara and keith. sunrise is 45 minutes away. we have increasing clouds and it is a rather mug start. it is 74 in washington. near 70 from trinidad to brandywine and laytonsville. farther west, it is in the 60s. around the bay and the eastern shore, the mid-70s. it is steamier out at the mountains in the low 60s. we have a few showers moving from southst to northeast out of eastern kentucky into southern west virginia. that's ahead of a cool front that will sweep through this afternoon. as it does move through, it could trigger passing thundershowers. i don't anticipate strong storms, just straight down heavy rain and thunder and lightning. all the way into this evening, we have highs in the upper 80s. maybe a rain delay for tonight's nationals/marlins game at nationals park. a look at the forecast in ten
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minutes. we'll look at the roadways right now. jerry edwards is in the traffic center. >> good morning. good traff so far. we have to love summertime around washington. not too much to worry about along 395 northbound from the beltway headed on up to landmark, shirlington, all the way across the 14th street bridge. the southbound side is light volume as well. uth of town here near the woodrow wilson bridge, there it is. traffic on the wilson bridge span is moving along at posted speeds. back to you. a shooting rampage at a health club in a pittsburgh suburb. right now we know four people have died, including the shooter. many more are injured. >> the shooting happened last night at the la fitness center in bridgeville. kimberly southers has been following this story for us. >> reporter: a man entered into the back of the exercise class, turned off the lights and pulled
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out two guns and started shooting. a woman was yelling the man was her boyfriend and wanted to kill her. others said the gunfire was so loud they couldn't hear a thing. >> it was surreal. it didn't hit us until now. when we saw the girl over here collapse, that's when -- nobody knew it was gunshots. everybody stood there for so long. >> surreal. pandemonium. never in a millions years would have thought something like that would happen at 8:00, 9:00 at night at a gym. >> in the end, the gunman took the lives of three people before taking his own life. as many as ten peopl were injured, if not more. police have not discussed a possible motive in the shooting and they have not released the identity of the gunman. barbara, back to you. well, they are freed from captivy and in a matter of hours they'll be back at home. two american journalists are on
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their way to los angeles after being released from a north korean labor camp. lauraling and euna lee are on their way home. the women were sentenced to 12 years hard labor for illegally crossing into north krooe ya from china. >> what i just watched on the news was the first pictures i have seen of laura, and to me she looks fabulous. i don't know if she's lost weight, i just see that she's up. >> nbc news learned that the women's release was assured before clinton made the trip. the white house has been careful to say that clinton visited northorea has a private citizen, not a government representative. however, the trip had the blessing of president obama and form former senator hillary clinton.
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two nuclear power submarines have been cruising up and down the coast 200 miles offshore. it is not clear what they are doing, but it is believed to be the first time russian subs or warships have operated this close to the continental u.s. nce the end of the cold war. a memorial service will be held tonight for the victims of the deadly helicopter crash near hagerstown last month. four people were killed when the chopper ran into power lines and went down on i-70. three worked for advanced helicopter concepts of frederick. the company will hold a memorial tonight at 6:00 at the companyek hanger at frederick municipal airport. another jet had to make an emergency landing after hitting severe turbulence. the northwest airlines flight was flying from knoxville, tennessee, to detroit when it hit turbulence forcing it to land in louisville, kentucky. a passenger and flight attendant were taking to the hospital with minor injuries. the city of rockville is
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considering a proposal to ban smoking within 40 pete feet of any playground located in a city park. this came about after complaints from caretakers of children who were using the playground. rockville's mayor and city council delayed voting on the proposal to allow time for public comment. the session will take place on monday, september 14th. virginia's infant morlity rate declined to the lowest level on record. at a news conference yesterday, the 2008 rate was 6.7 deaths for 1,000 live births down from 7.7 deaths in 2007. they set a goal in reducing the state's rate to below seven deaths per 1,000 by the year 2010. e infant mortality rate reflects the availability of birth care for children and mothers. and our time right now is 5:36. 74 degrees is the temperature. coming up, police need help in
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chaching catching a shoplifter, but they are not sure if the shot stop lifter is a man or a woman. and parts of kentucky ayi t dryirnut thihis ngrnin when morning comes in the middle of the night, [ rooster crow ] it affects your entire day. to get a good night's sleep, try 2-layer ambien cr. the first layer dissolves quickly... to help you fall asleep. and unlike other sleep aids, a second dissolves slowly to help you stay asleep. when taking ambien cr, don't drive or operate machinery. sleepwalking, and eating or driving... while not fully awake with memory loss for the event... as well as abnormal behaviors... such as being more outgoing or aggressive than normal, confusion, agitation and hallucinations may occur. don't take it with alcohol... as it may increase these behaviors. allergic reactions such as shortness of breath, swelling of your tongue or throat may occur... and in rare cases may be fatal. side effects may include next-day drowsiness, dizziness, and headache. in patients with depression, worsening of depression, including sk of suicide may occur.
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if you experience any of these behaviors or reactions... contact your doctor immediately. wake up ready for your day-- ask your healthcare provider for 2-layer ambien cr.
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here's today's in blast. print all your summer vacatn photos forus co just sign up f newor unta t et gp uunet gp u to 12 prints free of charge.
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let's check the weather now with tom kierein in storm center4. >> it is a serene wednesday morning. the potomac river there in the foreground. we have increasing clouds. sunrise is 35 minutes away. it is 74 in washington. from ladroit park to wheaton, temperatures farther to the west are near the 60s. the weather watchers are reporting temperatures near 70 degrees along the shore. we have a cool front headed through our region this afternoon. it will likely trigger passing showers from early this afternoon all the way into this evening. otherwise, a mostly cloudy day with highs in the upper 80s. tonight we have a pasng shower or thundershower from the evening into tomorrow morning. in fact, tomorrow morning may have a lingering shower. south and east of washington
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during the afternoon, we have a small chance for passing showers or thundershowers. otherwise, a partly sunny day with lower humidity moving in. it should be a bit cooler with afternoon highs in the low to mid-80s with a fresh northwest breeze giving us a break from the high humidity tomorrow. the gusts could be up near 20 miles per hour. the humidity will be around for tomorrow, but the weekend oppressive heat returns. details on that and a look at next week in ten minutes. jerry, good morning. how is the traffic? good morning to you. good morning, everyone. here's a live look at the capital beltway in northern virginia, both the inner and outer loop near i-66 and the springfield interchange, all the overnight road work has been picked up. good news is lanes are open. a few brake lights in a couple of spots, but nothing too much to worry about. elsewhere, we are looking good up on 270. i-70, the overnight road work there has been picked up for you folks there. route 50 at the bay bridge, no
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worries. routes 4 and 5 are off to a quiet start. back to you. our time is 5:41, 74 degrees. still ahead, prepaid funeral arangments. this morning one funeral homeowner in our area is being asked where's the money? plus, some post offices could be closing in our area. the latest on the budget concerns. stay with us.
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our time is 5:44. after being given a medical checkup in japan, two american journalists headed back to the u.s. former president bill clinton helped free the jailed pair yesterday in north korea. they were arrested near the north korean/chinese border back in march. two of at least nine people wounded in the shooting at a pittsburgh areaealth club remain in critical condition this morning. four people were also killed in the shooting. it happened last night in bridgeville, pennsylvania. the motive of the shooting is unknown this morning.
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and doors here in the washington area performed a 14-way kidney swap. now patients desperately in need of a transplant will meet their donors for the first time. now to a story you saw first on four. there are concerns as many as 60 people may have been scammed by a funeral home. customers prepaid for funeral arrangements in fredericksburg, virginia, but the money may have been used for something else. here's the story. >> reporter: police executed a search warrant at bailey funeral service in fredericksburg, virginia, on july 23rd. collecting evidence that resulted in the arrest of the opener, 51 yeermd 51-year-old ambrose bailey. police tell us what the investigation uncovered so far. >> we found a box of documents containing over 60 files all related to pre-arranged funeral
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services. and we, at this point, have 22 confirmed victims representing over $90,000 where their money was not going into an escrow account as is legally required. >> reporter: on monday fredericksburg police arrested ambrose bailey charging him with obtaining money on false pretenses, violating the terms of a funeral account. mr. bailey lives up the street from his funeral home. we went there to ask him for a response. the people can put their mind at easy that they are going to pay for a funeral that they are going to get? >> yes, sir. any other questions are going to my attorney. >> reporter: when you say yes, sir, they can count on getting a funel or have you defrauded the public? >> it was never my intention to defraud anyone. i'm not answering anything else, sir. >> reporter: bailey funeral service has been a fixture in the community for 50 years before ambrose bailey became the operator it was run by his
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father. he tells me that in his day they didn't sell prepaid funerals. do you know if theoney has been put aside for pre-made funeral accounts? >> i'm hoping that it is. >> reporter: and the people who paid their money in advance will get the funerals they have paid for? >> yes. >> reporter: chris gordon, "news4 today." police in montgomery county need your help tracking down a shoplifter, but they are not sure if it is a man or a woman. a surveillance camera caught these images of the suspect at the th avenue fifth avenue last. the suspect was dressed as a woman but could be a man. the shoplifter took a $2,000 chanel dress. monday the ocean city council approved an emergency ordinance that bans the sale in possession of the herb. it can cause psychedelic trips.
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it was sold in several stores. critics say the ban could have a chilling effect on research into the potential as a treatment for dementia and other disorders. the marine corps is banning troops from logging on to social networking sites because of the security risk. they issued anrd order preventing marines from logging on to facebook and myspace. using the sites can expose information to add very airs. they do not ban them from using them on their personal computers outside of work. she was drunk and high on marijuana. that's what investigators say about a long island mother who ended up in a car wreck in new york last month. toxicology results show diane shuler's blood alcohol level was more than twice the legal limit when she drove the wrong way down the highway. she died in the resulting crash
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along with her 2-year-old daughter and three young nieces. her 5-year-old son survived. federal officials are planning to tackle the growing problem of distracted driving. transportation secretary ray lahood wants to gather a panel of experts to determine what to do about drivers who text behind the wheel and use other electronics to pose dangerous and deadly distractions. safety experts need to make recommendations on driver education and traffic law enforcement during a summit next month in washington. >> the majory of americans want to make sure when they get in the automobile and are driving down the road the other person who is coming at them is not distracted. we know these distractions cause accidents, cause death, cause great injury. >> d.c., maryland and virginia have passed legislation to ban texting while driving. space shuttle "discovery" is one step closer to the visit to
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the international space station. nasa wanted to move "discovery" last monday but it was delayed because a valve failed on a booster steering system during an equipment test. nasa says it is still planning to launc the shut until the early morning hours of august 25th. strong storms caused flash flooding in kentucky and indiana. more than four inches of rain fell over louisville, kentucky, in just a few hours on tuesday. the storms prompted authorities to urge people to stay at home. the famed churchhill downs race track was under water. it was closed on tuesday. the big question is, is any of that headed our way? >> let's find out. here's tom to tell us. >> i don't anticipate heavy downpours like that. we may have brief heavy downpours by mid-afternoon, but not four inches in two hours, it does not appear to be on tap for us, but it is the same frontal stem coming our way.
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ahead of that, we have had clouds on the increase. some gray clouds obscuring the sunrise over t potomac. the sup will be up in 22 minutes. it is 74 in washington at reagan national airport. looking at the radar, scanning the sky, we are not picking up any prescription around the region. temperatures are near 70 in prince george's county. weather watchers are checking in storm arlington and fairfax county to the mid-70s. frederick county and loudoun county, prince william and fall k, near 60. around the blue ridge and shenandoah valley, temperatures are in the mid to low 60s with quite a bit of cloudiness. the eastern shore, we ar seeing steamy weather there, but not to our west in the northern shenandoah valley. 67 there. a comfortably dry dew point of
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just 60 degrees. the humidity is much lower there as well as now the mountains this morning. with the temperatures there in the low 60s, that's for west virginia and eastern maryland. 72 is the dew point in salisbury. it is steamy southeast of virginia and down into the carolinas. for us, we'll have somewhat moderate humidity around washington and the nearby suburbs throughout t day, but we have had clouds on the increase coming in from the southwest and heading off to the east. if you are traveling today, well, there could be flight delays again in florida and tall way up the atlantic seaboard from fwl florida to new england. maybe a few isolated storms in idaho and montana. otherwise, no flight delays on tap for the nation. now, here is this front just now coming out of southern ontario into northern indiana and central ohio. ahead of that, we are getting a few showers, but we still have the flow out of the southwest tapping humidity off the gulf of
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mexico and sweeping it up the at lap tick seaboard. going forward over the next 36 hours, this is a zone of potential precipitation. showers near washington from mid-afternoon all the way into the evening. earlier for the mountains and late morning there as the front approaches. then tonight into tomorrow, the front will stall out just to our south. by tomorrow morning, we may have a lingering shower, especially to our east. during the day, a stalled front with a passing shower near the beaches as well as south and east of washington. otherwise, lower humidity moving in that should linger into friday. a nice break from our usual high heat and humidityeg bin bng tomorrow. for today, it going to be rather uncomfortable withe t humidity levelsheat rhe r.high we'll have a little sun inhi an out this morning, but overall, mostly cldy. into the afternoon, the highs aching the upper 80s to mid-afternoon. then a passing shower wl cool us down with anyol of the
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thundershowers that will drop ibto theefri bnow d a brief dou ibssle. aiusd ca could cause rainor f the for the natials and marlins tonight. the first pitch at 7:056789 we should be in the low 80s and a hance for an sbrups throughout amthth gee for the rest of the evening. g could see a lingering shower th temperatures in the 70s tomorrow. a chance for a passing shower southeast of wasngton tomorrow afternoon. then friday, ptly w cloudy, low humidity in the mid-80s, but it gets hotndidum h s whdaitaturumy near small chance for aa nd thuer irshower. hazy, ho aain.again. the upper 90s to near 100 for sunday and monday. the hottest weather of the summer so far for the end of the weekend and the first part of next week. >> it is that time. it is august. >> a lot of people are out of town, jerry says, because we have light traffic. i hope that's still the case
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this morning. it is. a lot of folks grabbing what little vacation time they have lift to. the wilson idge, a bit of volume. no trouble to report. here's the beltway at 295. we are moving along nicely. 395 northbound is looking good across the 14th street bridge. no hang ups to report. outbound 395 headed to shirlington out in the district also moving without delay. back to you. thank you. to the money crisis now and a look at how foreign markets are doing today. in tokyo, japan's benchmark nikkei 225 stock average fell almost eight points to 10366.29. the broader tokyo index lost 14 points. meanwhile n hong kong, the benchmark hang seng index opened at 20,779.77.
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to wall street now, futures are pointing to a positive opening. yesterday the dow closed up at 9320 points. the nasdaq closed slightly up 2011. the postal service officials are meeting to discuss budget matters. the united states postal service is talking about closing up to 1,000 post offices in 43 states. all in a move to cut costs to keep the usps competitive in the day of e-mail and package-delivering companies. 14 branches in our area could close. nine in the district, four in maryland. one is in virginia and fredericksburg. the columbia heights, fort davis, and naval research laboratory, petworth and wood ridge branches. rockville, bethesda, hyattsville and silver spring could also be on the chopping block. no closures are expected until
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at least october. redskins fans have another way to show their team spirit and maybe win some big bucks. the virginia lottery launched a special redskins lottery game. the so-called redskins mania scratch ticket offers consumers a chance to instantly win $20 to $1 million. the non-winning tickets can be entered for a chance to win tickets to see the redskins play or a chance to be a player for the day. tickets are $20 each. we are finding jobs for you. this ford dealership is looking for sales associates. it includes benefits with insurance and a 401(k). if you are interested, log on to and search jobs for you. that's a good sign, huh? looking for car sales people. >> very good to hear. still ahead, listen up parents. we know raising a child is expensive, but do you know how much it costs? much it costs? a sand castle?cadad, could you d
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sure, pal. let's just find a good spot. [ dramatic music plays ] a big day at the beach with the legendary taste of dunkin' donuts coffee on ice. this looks like a good spot. you kin' do it. america runs on dunkin'. treayo tt selfoday with an authentic caramel swirl iced latte.
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silent gunman. this morning we are learning more about a decidedly shooting inside a pennsylvania health club. without saying a word, a gunman walked into an aerobics class, turned off the lights and opened fire. president clinton is on the way to the u.s. with two journalists freed from north korea. how the former president and other leaders were able to negotiate for their release. good morning. thank you for waking up with us this morning for "news4 today." i'm barbara harrison. i'm keith garvin in for joe krebs. it is wednesday, august 5th, 2009. a live look outside across washington area. a beautiful sky with clouds moving in. >> tom says that could mean rain for us today. he is here to tell us about it. good morning. it is a soothing summer
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moing. res too humid with tempetu in the comfort zone at this s hour. hiaston and hiarng w the nearby suburbs nea n70. on the radar, no preave a cool ap aoausg sch the day ssesogsssre. and by early afternoon out in the mountains, we could have thundershowers. near the metro ar,ea the wester, suburbs to near waonshgtin, some passing thundershowersgt areas south and east of rnoon and evening thundershowersre, likely. we re the showerse, aivrr should subcommittee the upper 80s and it will behe rrat hubem. theun a st 8:15. might have lingering showers tonight to interrupt the nationals and the marlins. could have a passing shower through the game and all the way until this time tomorrow morning, passing showers are possible. details on the thursday forecast with lower humidity moving in at 6:11. things are clear on the roadway so far. we'll check in with jerry edward. >> good morning. we'll head south, way south to fredericksburg and take a live look in the predawn darkness
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along i-95. northbound and southbound looking good. there was an accident 95 northbound at mile marker 26. quickly moved to the shoulder. right now the travel lanes are en. elsewhere, 270, no worries. i-70 is fine. police activity along 95 southbound near 212 near beltsville. it is on the shoulder but it is drawing attention for those of you coming southbound out of laurel. back to you. thank you, jerry. a shooting rampage of a health club in pittsburgh. right now we know four pple have died, including the shooter. many more are injured. the shooting happened last night at the la fitness center in bridgeville. a suburb of pittsburgh. kimberly southers is joining us as we follow developments this morning. >> reporter: good morning, barbara. police say the man entered into the back of an exercise class, turned out the lights, pulled out two guns and started firing bullets. one witness said that a woman was yelling that the man was her
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boyfriend and wanted to kill her. others said the gun fire w so loud they couldn't hear anything. >> it was surprising. it didn't hit us until right now. when we saw the girl over here collapse, that's when we were -- nobody knew it was gun shots. everybody stood there for a long time. >> surreal. just pandemonium. never in a million years would have thought something like that would happen at 8:00, 9:00 at night at a gym. >> reporter: in the end, the gunman took the lives of at least three people before taking his own life. and at least ten people were injured. the numbers could grow as we learn more information this morning. police have not discussed a possible motive in the shooting and they have not released the identity of the gunman. heading home in just a matter of hours, two journalists freed from captivity in north korea will be back on american soil.
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they are flying to los angeles as we speak on a jet with former president bill clinton. he made a surprise visit to pyongyang to secure their release. brooke halt is here with more from capitol hill. >> reporter: laura ling in green and euna lee in pink. they boarded a plane with bill clinton bound for california and the family reunion of their lives. >> i'm all excited and i'm looking forward to seeing her. we have waited for five months now. >> reporter: her family, just a glimpse of the women looked good. >> i just see she is up and walking, smiling, and so that's good enough for me. >> reporter: they say they knew that more good news was coming when president clinton went to north korea, met and dined with his ailing dictator. the meeting was sparred by the women themselves who is learned in custody north korea wanted
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the former president as a special enjoy. lee andling told that to family and then to al gore. he employs the two women at current tv. the white house kept a distance until the end. >> the focus is on ensuring the safety of two jump list journalists in north korea right now. >> reporter: this opens up new interaction with north korea on the heels of recent weapons' test. did clinton and kim jong-il discuss them? maybe. >> it allows him to solidify himself both internationally and nationally by having this photograph and meeting and visit by president clinton. >> reporter: two women were sentenced to 12 years hard labor for crossing into north korea while working on a story of human trafficking. u.s. officials deny the reports saying the president apologized for lee andling, but there's also talk of improving trust between the two countries.
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in washington, brooke hart, nbc news. secretary of state hillary clinton has spoken with her husband and the journalists are extremely excited to be on their way back home. another story developing overseas right now. the pentagon says two russian attack submarines have been detected off the east coast of the united states. the defense officials say the two nuclear-powered subs have been cruising up and down the coast 200 miles offshore for several days now. it is not clear what they are doing. it is believed to be the first time russian subs or warships have operated this close to the continental u.s. since the end of the cold war. and new today, iran's president sworn in for a second term. mamoud ahmadinejad did appeal for national unity and condemned what he called foreign interference in his country's
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affairs. supreme court nominee sonia sotomayor has not been confirmed, but her democratic supporters are starting to celebrate. yesterday the republican opponents expressed concern that sotomayor would bring bias to the bench, but democrats are calling her a main stream moderate. they are also planning to claim the big victory with a be mid-day rally on capitol hill with civil rights and women's groups. at 9:00 last night, a pedestrian was trying to cross the northbound lanes of the vw parkway near route 450 when he was hit. a car slammed into him and killed him. police have not released the victim's identity yet. the driver did stay at the scene. our time is 6:07, 74 degrees. d.c.'s new plan to offer std tests at every high school. another bumpy ride in the
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skies as a plane suffers severe turbulence forcing an emergency landing. barack obama's birthday wish and why he was the one sing ÷/>
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and here is today's news4 bargain blast. arby's is offering special deals every wednesday all summer long. today get a free regular roast beef with any soft drink purchase. visit and sign up to
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see a list of participating restaurants. and we are going to get a look at the forecast now with some rain out there headed our way. tom, when do you think it will get here? >> probably not until this afternoon, but at this hour overlooking the potomac river, a live picture is showing great clouds tinted with pink. sunrise is a couple minutes away. it is 74 in washington. not too humid this morning. it is in the upper 60s in prince george's county. in fairfax county the upper 60s to near70. montgomery county, the mid-60s. blue ridge and southern maryland around the bay, it is steamier in the low 7 0 with more humidity there. as the day progresses, we'll have showers and thundershowers progress from west to east. earlier in the day around noontime, they will be out of the mountains. points south and east we'll hav highs in the upper 80s. a passing shower and thundershower are possible tonight into tomorrow morning. during the day, turningless humid with highs in the mid-80s
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with a chance for showers east of maryland. good morning to you, everyone. picking up volume in the stretch of 270 southbound between i-70 and 109. the good news is all the traffic lanes are open as you head south from montrose road. interstate 70 near baltimore or frederick, no worries. interstate 66, authorities are looking for an accident eastbound on 66. i'm looking as well. there it is right there between 28 and 78. everything is on the right shoulder. you can see we are loading up quickly on 66 through centreville en route to fair lakes. 6:12, 74 degrees. std tests in every high school. the new program at d.c. schools. ut ool dfpl o virginia neighborhood attacking apeleetop ps.nd
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four people are dead after a gunman opened fire inside a health club near pittsburgh. witnesses say a man walked in, said nothing and pulled out two guns and started shooting. the gunman is among the dead.
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ten others were injured. two american journalists are on their way home from north korea. euna lee and laura ling were freed after former president clinton visited north korea to secure their release. i-295 is open after a man was hit by a car in landover last night. the man was trying to cross the northbound lanes of the vw parkway near route 450. he died at the scene. soon every high school student in the district could be able to take a test for sexually transmitted diseases. according to "the washington post," school officials plan to expand the pilot program that uncovered a significant number of infected children. at eight schools last year, the tests found that 13% of them, about 3,000 students tested positive for an std. those diseases were mainly gonorrhea or chlamydia. the program requires people to attend a lecture of stds, but
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they can opt out from the test. the swine flu will probably flare up in time for the school year and the vaccine won't be ready to stop it. according to usa today, janet napolitano says there will be another outbreak before the vaccine is ready in mid-october. some parents are protecting their children with a new iphone offender locator program. it gives you the list of sex offenders in any location. type in an address and you get a map of the area where sex offenders live. the application also provides pictures and details of the crimes the offenders committed. the information is pulled from a public record, butritics worry the application could lead to vigilantism. a rottweiler is on the loose and has attacked one woman and her pet. a 60-year-old woman was walking her dog in the fredericksburg area on sunday when she was mauled by the unleashed dog.
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she was bitten numerous times and suffered a broken shinbone and a nger. her black labrador was attacked and so badly injured it had to be euthanized. >> hopefully it is a stray dog that maybe wandered into the development because i would hate to think somebody in this community would have an animal that would attack someone walking. >> sheriff's investigators say the rottweiler has a black and tan coat similar to this one seen on the flyer being districted in the neighborhood. authorities are asking anyone who sees the dog not to approach it and to call 911 right away. another jet had to make an emergency landing after hitting severe turbulence. the northwest airlines plane operated by pinnacle was flying from knoxville, tennessee, to detroit when it hit turbulence last night forcing it to land in louisville, kentucky. a passenger and flight attendant were taken to the hospital with minor injuries. the injury bug is hitting the red skins camp after nearly a week of practice. lindsay czarniak has your sports
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minute. >> hello, there. good morning, everybody. your sports minute begins out at ashburn at redskins training camp. stephon hire suffered a knee injury yesterday. his mri news is open couraging. they will reassess today. good news from the park, albert hans worth was back at practice after missing two days because of a sore left knee. he got an injection in the knee and is feeling a lot more comfortable. the redskins go back to work later this morning. the nationals hosting the marlins. adam dunn capped a sick six-run-inning after hitting his 28th home run for the season. the nationals beat the marlins 6-4le. on the road in detroit, brian maddox made hi major league debut allowing one run in five innings of work. nick markakis did it with three rbis. the orioles win it, 8-2. also, the wizards open the
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season on the road in dallas octor 27th. that's your sports minute. i'm lindsay czarniak. have a great day. strong storms caused flash flooding from kentucky to indiana. more than four inches of rain fell over louisville, kentucky, in just a few hours on tuesday. the storms prompted authorities there to urge people to stay home. the lower level of the city's main library was also flooded with three feet of standing water. thousands of homeowners were without power. and homeowners in the district could get federal stimulus money to weatherize their homes. they are getting more than $8 million to support weatherizing programs in the district. the program includes the replacement of windows and doors, installation and weather stripping and the repair of heating and cooling equipment. homeowners must meet certain guidelines to be eligible. wet weather is what we could have to worry about later today.
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here's tom keirein. >> the same front that triggered the downpours in louisville will be coming our way today, but i don't think we'll have same kinds of heavy downpours, but they could be briefer and cause a little bit of minor flooding briefly. look at the sun over the potomac river. coming up on a mostly sunny sky, it is in the mid-70s from washington to mccain and wheaton. it is quite steamy around the bay and the eastern shore in southern virginia. we don't have showers around now, but later this afternoon lightly passing showers with straight down rain. it doesn't look like a lot of wind with highs reaching the upper 80s. maybe passing showers and thundershowers tonight could interrupt the nationals and marlins at national park. tomorrow, perhaps a shower during the afternoon south and east of washington. elsewhere, lower humidity with highs in the mid-80s.
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it will be comfortably dry on friday with highs in the mid-80s. it is getting steamier on sunday with a small chance for highs in the upper 80s. then the heat turns on sunday into monday and tuesday, highs each day in the 90s. the upper 90s on sunday and monday with oppressive humidity. back in ten minutes with another update. jerry, good morning. somehow the traffic? good morning to you. over to the beltway in virginia. the inner loop of the beltway up from springfield to the robinson freight terminal, no worries. the initial report of an accident with an overturned car on the outer loop of the beltway near i-66. details are true but it will be along the left side of the roadway. we'll be on the watch for that. headed out to the wilson bridge, route 50 is okay. police activity southbound on i-95 near route 12, the lanes are open, but it is dry.
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395 northbound, summertime in d.c. look at that. moving along very smoothly so far as you head to and across the 14th street bridge. back to you. why can't they always be on vacation? >> i know. we want them watching us, though. >> get out of the car and find tv. a big shakeup on one of america's most popular tv shows. and howback barack obama sell bralted his birthday. here's your money saving tip here's your money saving tip of the day.n here's your money saving tip of the day.n during times like these it seems like the world will never be the same. but there is a light beginning to shine again. the spark began where it always begins. at a restaurant downtown.
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in a shop on main street. a factory around the corner. entrepreneurs like these are the most powerful force in the economy. they drive change and they'll relentless push their businesses to innovate and connect. as we look to the future, they'll be there ahead of us, lights on, showing us the way forward. this is just the beginning of the reinvention of business. and while we're sure we don't know all the answers, we do know one thing for certain, we want to help. come see what the beginning looks like at
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what are your options that you are behind on your mortgage? go to to find out if you are eligible to restructure or refinance. also, contact your lender if you are struggling to make payments. and if you must, consider a short sale where the lender lets you sell your house for less than you owe. i'm liz crenshaw, "on the money." "american idol" fans won't see paula abdul sitting behind
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the judges table next season. she decided not to return next year. abdul has been a judge for the singing contest since it began eight seasons ago. in july she has been invited to stay with "idol" as long as the show lasted. president obama celebrated his 48th birthday and surprised helen thomas with cupcakes. she airs shares a birthday with the president. she turned 89. >> helen wishes for world peace, no prejudice, but she and i have a common birthday where she hopes for a real health care reform bill. >> the president posed with helen who is the white house
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correspondent. we are monitoring two subs that are off the coast of the u.s. that haven't been this close since the cold war. the ó#ó#>úsó#>ó#>
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at suntrust, we help you manage your money at home. and make it easy when you're away. and where ever you go, atm fees won't follow. get back to what really matters switch to suntrust checking today suntrust. live solid, bank solid.
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delicious authentic iced lattes from dunkin' donuts. made with real espresso, milk, and whipped cream, to help you take a break from reality. treat yourself today. america dunsn onkin'. deadly rampage. this morning we are learning more about the deadly shooting inside a pennsylvania health club. why a gunman walked into an aerobics class, turned off the lights and opened fire. former president clinton is on his way to the u.s. with two american journalists freed from prison in north korea. how the former president and other leaders were able to negotiate for their release. good morning. thank you for waking up with us this morni for "news4 today." i'm barbara harrison. >> i'm keith garvin in for joe
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krebs. the sunrise is looking beautiful out there. >> a lot of clouds. we'll find out what that means for us i think we know >> a> weeav colde front approaching by later today that could trigger thunderstorms, but g shower acvity around now th gionre . temperatures are ea,saplnt 74 in washingtonhegck cn iin aheckin n montgerom,y axaidrfouairfdou c cntiessepngo ridge andhe t beid rge and ah upper uer thsere. howi sng rn shore is incrsedea eahumidity. salisbury 74. in b on the ere, lower humidith eastersht or ieis steamy as well as around the bay and southern virginia. we have showershongwi up in southern west virginia ahead on the cool front moving in this afternoon and likely triggering shers dan thundershowers in thedntou mains first.
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en bou y mid-afternoon in t metro area and south andtas easf washington by late afternoon temperatures are reaching the upper 80s. we could have some brief heavy downpours. we don't anticipate any storms, but the rain could linger into tomorrow. details on tomorrow's forecast in a few minutes. we'll check the traffic, jerry? unfortunately, we have a major problem on the capital beltway in virginia. it is southbound on the outer loop near route 50. an overturned pickup truck. fire rescue crews are on the scene with authorities blocking at least the left half of the outer loop. we'll show you interstate 66 trying to get onto the outer loop of the beltway. this is where the lineup begins east of vienna. unfortunately, the folks are trying to exit south on the capital beltway. not only will it affect the capital beltway, this accident will also affect folks coming in
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on 66 where we anticipate the backup to continue to grow. well, they are freed from captivity and in a matter of hours they'll be back home. two american journalists are on their way home after being released from a north korean labor camp. this is after president clinton, former president clinton made a visit to pyungyang. >> reporter: two journalists played a key role in their own release. sources say that whey learned in custody led to a phone call and a direct request from al gore to bill clinton who today is personally escorting the women home. these were the first pictures in months of jump lists laura ling in green and euna lee in pink. free at last. the two boarded a private jet in north korea with former president bill clinton bound for california and the family reunion of their lives.
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>> i'm all excited and i'm looking forward to seeing her. we have waited for five months now. >> reporter: for family, just a glimpse of the women was good. >> i could just see she is up, walking, smiling, that's good enough for me. >> reporter: they knew more good news was coming when president clinton went to nor korea, met and dined with the ailing dictor. the meeting was sparked by the women themselves who learned while in custody north korea wanted the former president as the special envoy. lee andling told that to family and then to vice president al gore. the obama white house was able to keep distance until the end. >> our focus right now is on the safety of ensuring two journalist that is are in north korea right now. >> reporter: the meeting opens up new interaction with north korea on the heels of recent weapons test. did clinton and kim jong-il
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discuss them? maybe. >> it allows him to solidify himself both nationally and internationally by having this photograph and meeting and visit by president clinton. >> reporter: the 12 women were sentence inned to 12 years hard labor in north korea ya. today in kenya secretary of state hillary clinton denied north korea's reports the former president apologized for lee andling, but there are also talk about building new trusts between the two countries. live on capitol hill, brooke hart. back to you. a shockinghooting at a crowded gym. four people are dead this morning, including the gunman. it happened last night in bridgeville outside of pittsburgh. news 34's kimberly southers has new details for us this morning. reporter: the shooting happened and it got national attention. there are as many as 50 to 100
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people that were in the gym. we are told witnesses saw the gunman walk into the yim gym with a gun in each hand and unloaded 50 round. just after 8:00 at night inside the la fitness gym, it was crowded, packed they said. near the back, a latin dance class with 30 women inside. >> surreal. absolutely surreal. never in a million years would have thought something like this would happen, 8:00, 9:00 at night in a gym. >> reporter: the gunman got into the class through a back door. he turne out the lights and started firing. >> all the girls were ducking behind each other. i was behind one of the girls in the front to get hit. when he was in the opposite corner shooting, i booked it. >> reporter: some witnesses watched the gunfire explode in the dark. some ran for their lives. others were immobilized by shock and confuse confusion.
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>> it was very surreal. it didn't hit us until like right now. when we saw the girl over here collapse, that's when we -- nobody knew it was gunshots. everybody stood there. >> reporter: another witness said a woman was yelling that the gunman was her boyfriend and wanted to kill her. others said the gunfire was too definite to hear anything. >> it was so loud that the gunshots, all you hear are gunshots. girls were initially screaming, but i just remember covering my ears because the shots were so loud. >> reporter: several women were shot multiple times. at least ten women were injured. at least three women died. >> i was standing right by the freeway by the aerobics room and i kept hearing shots, about 30 shots, and i just seen people running around and i started ducking down and running for my life. >> reporter: he and others said it was the scariest n thing the have ever seen. four people are dead, includi the gunman who turned the gun on himself in the end.
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the latest now from nbc news. there was a note found in the gunman's gym bag. we are also told that he was a member of this gym and also that authorities found several weapons underneathhe gunman's dead body. back to you. the pentagon says two russian attack submarines were detected off the east coast of the united states. the defense officials say the two nuclear-powered subs have been cruising up and down the coast 200 miles offshore for the last several days. it is not clear what they are doing. it is the first time russian subs or warships have operated this close to the continue thenal u.s. since the end of the cold war. the general manager is begging the subcommittee to look for more funding. at a senate hearing yesterday, gm cato said safety will decline
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if they don't get more money for metro. raising a child can be expensive, but doieno y kouw ho much it kstco thco numbers have been calculad weand have them for you. >>an a high-endhote s splifter pllice stumped. take a look at this person. can you figure out what police can't? and breaking news on the road this morning. a single accident is causingigl.
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weather and traffic on the 1s now. 6:41. good morning. sunrise on the fifth day of august. a live view from the city camera this morning. here is a view of the washington monument. looks pink in thatni morng glow this morning. a live picture from the mall. temperatures around the region, 74 in washington. the upper 60s in prince george's county. weather watchers into fairfax counties are reporting temperatures in the 60s to near 70s. from mitchellville, reston and bethesda, moderate humidity with showers moving into southern and west virginia ahead of a cool
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front swiping through this afternoon likely triggering passing thundershowers and probably no severe weather, though. highs reaching the upper 80s. then maybe passing showers tonight with a little thunder. we could have a morning thunder tomorrow, maybe a shower or thundershower southeast of washington. otherwise, low humidity with highs in the mid-80s. we'll look at the traffic in a few minutes with jerry. we have an overturned pickup truck on the outer loop of the beltway below i-66. at one point we only had one lane getting by. now the two left lanes are blocked with right lanes getting by, but the beltway south from the toll road on the utter loop is jammed up. those of you on 66 eastbound, this is what you have to look forward to. jammed up traffic. not because of anything on 66, but these folks here in the far right lane are trying to exit 66 east to the outer loop. a little extra time, a lot of extra patience.
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back to you. our time right now is 6:42, 74 degrees in washington. a local funeral home is accused of running a scam. why you could be out of thousands of dplars. and a mtransplant surññoñ? 1úabsp
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a local funeralhome has many people who already paid for services wondering if they are out of luck. as many as 60 customers prepaid for funeral arrangements with away lee funeral home, bailey funeral home. ambrose bailey was charged with obtaining money under false pretenses. he denied the charges to news4. >> i'm not answering anything else, sir. >> at this point there are 22 confirmed victims representing over $90,000 where their money was not going into an escrow account as is legally required. >>he bailey funeral service has been a fixture in the fredericksburg community for 50 years.
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ambrose bailey is a prominent businessman in the area. police in montgomery county are trying to track down a shoplifter, but they are not sure if it is a man or a woman. the surveillance camera caught the images of the suspect at the saks fifth avenue in chevy chase yesterday. the suspect was dressed as a woman but could be a man. he pepper sprayed a security guard on the way out. doctors here in washington have just performed an amazing surgery sure to change a whole lot of lives. it was a 14-way kidney swap to help patients desperatery in need of a transplant. megan mcgrath is joining us from journlgtown georgetown university hospital with more. >> reporter: seven people donated kidneys to seven complete strangers in this very unusual organ donation that happened here at the hospital
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behind me. the group swap was made possible because of a new process that allows or cuts down on the chance of rejection. now, all 14 people involved will be united later this morning at georgetown university hospital. it's the largest kidney swap of its kind involving 14 people, seven donors and seven recipients. they came together to create a special organ donation pool. larry mcfadder donatedis kidney to a complete stranger so his wife could get a kidney herself. >> i do not want to live like this. i want to die. >> reporter: the srms happened over four days in july. there was an emotional meeting where the donors and the recipients met for a first time. others will meet at an event lar today. while life-changing for those
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involved, doctors help this surgery will have largeconsequences. all seven recipients are african-american. finding a donor is difficult because more black rescind yents are more likely to build up antibodies to reject the part. >> we think with this procedure we can perform thousands more transplants in the country, approximately 2,000 to 3,000 more per year. >> reporter: under normal circumstances, the donors and recipients wouldn't be considered a good match, but we are hoping this will be help fu down the road. thank you, megan. >> wall street continues to exthe end their recent rally. cnbc's courtney reagan is here with today's business headlines.
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>> reporter: good morning, keith. right now futures are relatively flat, but the markets posed moderate games after a dug tug-of-war day for stocks. americans are earning less while spending me to keep up with higher food and energy prices. asian markets fell overnight. duracell gaining steam on early trading. the adp unemployment survey measured jobs with a loss. also, we'll hear from the factory orders. the nasdaq gained 33 points on tuesday. 2011 is where we'll open the day today. >> the senate is expected to i prove a $2 billion extension for the cash for clunkers program by the end of the week. the senate goes on recess friday. the house approved funding last week. the money should extend the program through labor day. and sony is unveiling two
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new ebook readers today. the ebook costs $100less than the amazon's kendall. however, neither is wireless, so you have to plug into a pc to be able to dune load down load your book. back to you. here comes the holiday shopping season. another thing to put on the list. >> 142 days away, i believe. >> thank you, courtney. well, we are finding jobs for you this morning. this ford dealership is looking for sales positions. it includes paid training and benefits, including insurance and a 401(k). being a parent is a tough job, it is also an expensive one. for a child born in 2008 it will cost $250,000 to raise that child through the age of 17. that's the word from the ushs sd arc. a middle-income family will spend $221,000 for just one
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child. and that doesn't even include college and here are some contacts for that. in 1960 parents could raise a kid for just $25,000. >> raising kids is like a business. >> yeah. it is getting expensive, but everything else is, too. well, the weather is for free. we are going to get free rain this afternoon. we do need it as we look at the sunrise. there it is. we have quite a bit of cloudiness ahead of the cool front just now coming into the ohio valley far to.stwe west. no rain around the region now with a pleasant morning underway. 74 de un. ayrw 74ayin. radar not showing precipitation around the regional with temperatures in the upper 60s for prince george's county. the weather watchers near the blue ridge and shenandoah valley n the 60s there. fairfax, articling tonk, temperatures are near 70 and 70 in northern montgomery county into frederick and loudoun
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county. faulkner county, the upper 60s. charles and st. mary's, near 70. as we look at the dew point, not too bad. a comfortable 63. when the dew point is near 70, that's sweltering humidity. it is comfortable around the region except on the eastern shore. look at st.michael's in talbot county. it is75 there. it is a steamy 71 for humidity. 63 degrees on this fifth day of august. over the last six hours, we have seen clouds roll in from the southwest fchl you are traveling, flight delays from florida tall way up to new eng land with a few storms in the central plains and out in idaho. otherwise, no travel plans. the weather maker is a cold front coming into ohio and southern diana. humidity out ahead of that. the front sweeping through this
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afternoon lightly triggering passing tndererowshers. between now and ath, en, littl sunshine in and out. temperatures by noon should make it to the mid-80s. afd-miternoon, the upper 80s and a steamy afternoon. then some passing thunderstorms hetwn ee anoon between noon and therea inee t m aroto hea into theerno andft aer and evening hours and points south and east. we could see a rain delay for the nationals and the marlins tonight. lingering showers are possible tomorrow morning andn thetl pyan cloudy with 80d- mid-80s. maybe a passing shower southeast of washington tomorrow afternoon. the low humidity in place on , frayidbut the heat turns upth saturday. ac fint, weug f oht to be near 100 sunday, monday and into tuesd with oppressive humidity. that's the way it looks. things are looking ugly on the roadways? here's an update on traffic with jerry. >> a tough go on the outer loop
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near i-66. two left lanes are now blocked on the outer loop where we are looking at delays southrom the dulles toll road. and on 66 coming east trying to get to or on the capital beltway. we'll look at the american legion bridge. moving smoothly for the moment. the inner loop is looking good here with the travel lanes open. back to you. thank you, jerry. four people are dead after a gunman opened fire inside a health club near pittsburgh. witnesses say the man walked in and said nothing and pulled out two guns and started shooting. the gunman is ang the dead. ten others were injured. two american journalists are on their way back home from north korea. euna lee and laura ling were accused of illegally crossing the border into north korea. the state department is denying reports to see former president
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clinton apologize to north korea's president kim john il. two submarines were detected off the east coast of the u.s. the two nuclear-powered subs have been cruising up and down the coast 200 miles offshore for several days now. it is believed to be the first time russian subs or warships have operated this closely to the continental u.s. since the cold war. today's news4 morning person is described as a ray of sunshine. paul doldson is working as a security guard for 1201 connecticut avenue. he greets each and every person who brs the building with a sincere smile and standing o ovation. if you know somebody like paul donaldson, e-mail your picture to talk about a happy home coming. a dog has been reunited with his
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owners after being missing for nine years. must have fi vanished from her family's home back in 2000 and she was just reunited with her owners yesterday. her arrival completes the journey of 1200 miles. a micrhip in her neck identifies must have fi, the chimp, who was eventually taken home. out the door forecast, tom. >> we could get pasng thundershowers this afternoon. watch out for that. thr,un gdee from the pool. then tomorrow a lingengr sweho we in the morning and south and east of washington. otherwise, lower humidity moving into friday, but over the weekend it getsteot hr near 70. up near 100 sunday, monday and tuesday next week. we have one spot out there? >> just below i-66. we have an overturned vehicle.
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work is being done to get it out of the roadway, but it is a mess. r th y ingot your day with us. > join us for "news4 midday" ughout the day. stay connected wn o thn o facebook and twitter. we begin at 4:55 a.m. see you then.
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during times like these it seems likthe world will never be the same. but there is a light beginning to shine again. the spark began where it always begins. at a restaurant downtown. in a shop on main street. a factory around the corner. entrepreneurs like these are the most powerful force in the economy. they drive change and they'll relentless push their businesses to innovate and connect. as we looko the future, they'll be there ahead of us, lights on, showing us the way forward. this is just the beginning of the reinvention of business. and while we're sure we don't know all the answers, we do know one thing for certain, we want to help. come see what the beginning looks like at
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